5 minutes de lecture

Ceramides, the key to healthy skin

Naturally present in the skin, ceramides are part of the large family of lipids, to which also belong the famous fatty acids and cholesterol. More discreet than their counterparts, they nevertheless represent 50% of our skin lipids and are essential for the health of the epidermis and a radiant complexion!

True guardians of the skin, ceramides are now included in the composition of many skincare products. Their benefits are multiple, especially if you combine them with a "repair" routine specially adapted to skin in need of comfort: we explain...

How do ceramides work?

Rightly called "intercellular lipids", they intervene within the most superficial layer of the skin (the stratum corneum). To understand their action in concrete terms, you just need to imagine a protective wall... The dead cells of your skin, the corneocytes, are the bricks that make it up, and the ceramides are the cement that holds them together. An essential cohesion to guarantee an effective protective barrier. Because the stronger the cement, the more resistant the wall will be!

What are the effects on the skin?

Versatile, protective and restorative active ingredients, ceramides ensure the integrity of the skin barrier which plays a vital role in the good health of your skin:

  • They protect it against external aggressions and pathogens: cold, sun, wind, pollution, tobacco, etc.
  • They help maintain hydration, both by limiting insensible water losses and by regulating its absorption.
  • They preserve its sensory qualities: soft, luminous, visibly rested, your skin no longer feels tight... So many signs that your skin barrier is in great shape!

Why integrate ceramides into cosmetics?

Even if they are naturally synthesized by our body, over time, exposure to the sun, various aggressions, the production and quality of ceramides decrease... The skin barrier is damaged, the skin dries out, becomes more permeable and therefore more vulnerable. Hence the need to adopt care products containing ceramides that will restore suppleness and firmness. And this, regardless of age and profile. Because ceramides are perfectly tolerated, even by the most sensitive skin, and this, without any risk to health. Real Swiss army knives of skin repair, they are therefore particularly recommended if you wish to:

  • Improve and maintain the structure of your skin.
  • Fight against dehydration.
  • Rebuild your skin barrier after sun exposure, air travel, cold and dry weather, etc.
  • Complete an anti-aging treatment.

4 essential steps for an optimal repair routine

Ceramides fit perfectly into a beauty ritual that aims to comfort thirsty or irritated skin. Here are our tips to help it regenerate:

  • Choose a gentle cleanser that will not have a “stripping” effect on your skin.
  • Use and abuse repair serums that quickly penetrate the epidermis. Rich in ceramides and other lipids, they will boost the repair of the skin barrier.
  • Follow your serum with a rich moisturizer which will reinforce its action by concentrating all the active and hydrating molecules within the skin.
  • During the day, remember to apply broad-spectrum sun protection because the sun's rays could further damage your skin barrier.

Essential for maintaining and strengthening the skin's barrier function, ceramides are increasingly popular in the world of cosmetics and users. Still discreet in care, they are however on the way to becoming essential as they are capable of providing comfort and well-being to all skin types, and all in complete safety.