General conditions of sale

These general conditions of sale for the website were updated on August 27, 2024.

1. Definitions
  • Gift: means all items given free of charge to the Customer as part of an Order, such as, but not limited to, samples, tote bags and kits.
  • Customer: means any User who has validated an Order on the Site. The rights and obligations of the User necessarily apply to the Customer.
  • Order: means the process of the Customer selecting the Products, purchasing them and having them delivered.
  • Contract: means these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (or “GTC”). Therefore, the Customer waives the right to rely on any contradictory document that would conflict with the GTC, and which would therefore be unenforceable against the Seller.
  • Commercial Documentation: means all information relating to the Products appearing on the Site, in particular their descriptive sheet.
  • Personal data: means any information relating to a Client and/or a User, an identified or identifiable natural or legal person.
  • Parties: jointly designates the Seller and the Users of the Site.
  • Care service(s): means any care service provided by the Seller in one of its institutes and which will be the subject of a reservation by the Customer via their personal account, accessible from a dedicated interface.
  • Products: means the cosmetic products, accessories and derivative products available for sale on the Site.
  • Site: means the website
  • Carriers: UPS, DHL, DPD.
  • User: means any natural or legal person accessing the Site whether or not they are a Client.
  • Seller: means the company MY BLEND as identified in article 3 of these T&Cs.

2. Site

  • The Site is an e-commerce site accessible via the Internet at the address It is open to any User of this network.
  • It is published by: MY BLEND, a single-member simplified joint-stock company with capital of €1,000,000, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 449 848 803.
  • Head office: 9, rue du Commandant Pilot – 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France.
  • Contact:
  • VAT No.: FR68449848803
  • Publication Director: Olivier Courtin.
  • It is hosted by: Shopify.

3. Purpose of the T&Cs – Acceptance of the T&Cs – Modifications to the T&Cs – Current Version – Prevalence

  • Purpose: Governed by Article L. 441-6 of the French Commercial Code and L. 111-1 of the French Consumer Code, the purpose of these General Terms and Conditions is (i) to define the conditions under which Users may access the Site and place Product Orders as well as (ii) to manage the relations between the Seller and the Users and (iii) to determine the rights and obligations of the Parties.
  • Acceptance: Any Order for a Product offered on the Site requires consultation and express acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, without this acceptance being conditional on a handwritten signature on the part of the User.
  • Users are advised to regularly consult the General Terms and Conditions accessible at the following address: The User may save or print these general terms and conditions of sale, provided that they are not modified.
  • Modification: The Seller reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice, in particular to take into account any legal, jurisprudential and/or technical developments, and it is understood that such modifications will be inapplicable to reservations and Orders previously accepted and confirmed by the Customer. Thus, the version applicable to an Order is the one in force on the date the latter is placed.
  • In any event, the fact that the User continues to use the Site after being informed of the modification of the T&Cs entails the acceptance of the modifications to the latter by the User.
  • Update: The version of the T&Cs that prevails is the latest version updated on the Site.
  • Prevalence: The T&Cs apply to the exclusion of any other document.
  • Seller: The Seller is the company MY BLEND, a single-member simplified joint-stock company with capital of €1,000,000 registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 449 848 803, whose registered office is located at 9, rue du Commandant Pilot – 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France.
  • Intra-Community VAT No.: FR68449848803
  • Unique identification: FR215426_01SFPG
  • Contact email:

4. Geographic scope – Description of Products sold on the Site – Availability

All Product offers made on the Site are limited to delivery to the following countries:

  • In Europe: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceula & Melilla), Estonia, Finland, France (Monaco included, excluding DROM-COM), Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal (except Madeira and the Azores), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden.
  • Outside EU: Norway, United Kingdom, Switzerland.
  • In the Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Dubai / Abu Dhabi), Morocco, Qatar.
  • In Asia: Singapore.
  • In South America: Mexico.
  • In North America: Canada, United States.
  • In Oceania: Australia.


The Customer undertakes, prior to placing an Order, to read the essential characteristics of the Product(s) he/she wishes to order on the Site.

The commercial documentation reproduces, for each Product, the technical data determined by the Seller in its capacity as manufacturer. The Seller makes its best efforts to ensure that the photographic representation of the Products on the Site is faithful to the Products.

For any questions relating to the Products and their use, any additional questions or requests for advice, the Customer can contact the Seller's customer service:


Information on the availability of the Products is provided to the Customer at the time of placing the Order. Errors or modifications may nevertheless exceptionally exist.

The simple fact of adding a Product to the basket does not constitute validation of the Order. A Product may become unavailable between the time of adding it to the basket and the time of validation of the Order, in which case the Customer will be informed.

In the event of total or partial unavailability of Products after placing the Order, the Customer will be informed by email, as soon as possible, of the unavailability of the Product and of the modification (partial unavailability) or cancellation (total unavailability) of his Order.

In the event of cancellation of the Order due to total unavailability of the Products, the bank account of the
Customer will not be charged or will be refunded. In case of partial unavailability of the Product, the Customer will be refunded the amount of the unavailable product.

The Seller cannot be held liable for any damages relating to the unavailability of one or more Products ordered by the Customer.

5. Product Prices – Delivery Costs – Taxes – Promotional Offers

The prices shown on the Site depend on the customer's country of delivery.

For the following countries located in the EU, prices are indicated in Euros (€) "all taxes included" (TTC): Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceula & Melilla), Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal (except Madeira and the Azores), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.

For the following country, prices are shown in Pounds Sterling (£) “all taxes included” (TTC): United Kingdom.

For the following countries, prices are indicated in US Dollars ($) “excluding taxes” (HT): Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi / Dubai), United States, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Qatar and Singapore.

For all countries, the prices displayed are exclusive of delivery costs and are subject to change during the year, it being understood that the Products ordered are invoiced at the prices in effect when the Order is registered. The prices take into account any discounts and promotional operations.

Shipping costs are borne by the Seller in the following cases:

  • Standard delivery for all purchases for the following countries in the EU: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceula & Melilla), Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal (except Madeira and the Azores), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.

For any Express Order in countries located in the EU for an amount less than €350 outside Europe, the delivery costs will be charged to the Customer. In these cases, the shipping costs will be indicated before the Customer validates the Order.

For any Express Order in the United Kingdom, the delivery costs will be charged to the Customer. In these cases, the shipping costs will be indicated before the Customer validates the Order.

For any Express Order in countries outside the EU whose prices are displayed in US Dollars ($) , the delivery costs will be charged to the Customer. In these cases, the shipping costs will be indicated before the Customer validates the Order.

Purchase offers, including promotional offers, are valid, within the limit of available stocks, for the duration indicated in the promotional offer and failing that for as long as they are announced on the Site.

6. Legal capacity – Conditions for purchase
The User must be a duly represented legal entity or an adult natural person with the legal capacity to place an Order with the Seller. Failing this, he must have the authorization of his legal representative, which he expressly acknowledges and accepts. The Seller cannot under any circumstances be required to verify the legal capacity of its Customers.

By placing an Order, the User represents and warrants that he or she is a bona fide Customer and End User making a purchase for his or her own use or the personal use of a third party, and that he or she is not delivering, selling or otherwise distributing the Products, nor purchasing the Products or services for commercial purposes.

The choice and purchase of a Product are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

7. Order Process

The User can learn about the different Products offered for sale by the Seller on its Site.

The User can freely browse the different pages of the Site without being committed to an Order.


If the User wishes to place an order, he will choose the different Products in which he is interested, and will express said interest by clicking on “Add to cart”.

At any time, the User may:

Obtain a summary of the Products he has selected, by clicking on the basket;
Continue or modify your selection of Products;
Complete your selection of Products and order these Products by clicking on “Continue”.

For the purposes of placing the Order, the User may:

Create a personal account;
Proceed to payment for the selected Products without creating a personal account, the latter not being obligatory.


The Customer accepts that the Seller's Order recording systems constitute proof of the nature of the agreement and its date.


The Contract is concluded from the moment the Customer confirms his Order by clicking on the “Validate order” icon.

Any Order implies unconditional and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. These two documents are brought to the attention of the Customer prior to any Order.

The Customer acknowledges that placing an Order implies an obligation to pay on his part. He agrees to the prices, volumes, characteristics, quantities and delivery times of the Products he has ordered.

Upon registration of the Order, the Customer will receive five (4) emails:

A detailed order confirmation, which informs the Customer of the Seller's acceptance of his Order and confirms the transaction, subject to payment having been made;
A second email will be sent to inform the Customer of the shipment of the Order. This email will include a summary of their purchases, the exact amount charged and a Delivery tracking link.
An invoice will be sent by email to the Customer;
Finally, a thank you email for the Order with advice on the products in the Order.
The sale will be final subject to the Customer exercising his right of withdrawal under the conditions set out in article 11 of these General Terms and Conditions.

The Seller reserves the right, however, to suspend or cancel any Order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous Order, or for any other legitimate reason, particularly relating to the abnormal nature of the Order.

8. Payments

The payment currency depends on the delivery country selected by the customer.

  • Orders are payable in Euros (€) for the following countries in the EU: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceula & Melilla), Estonia, Finland, France (including Monaco), Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal (except Madeira and the Azores), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland.
  • Orders are payable in Pounds Sterling (£) for the following country: United Kingdom.
  • Orders are payable in US Dollars ($) for the following countries in the EU : Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi / Dubai), United States, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Qatar, Singapore.

The Customer guarantees to the Seller that he has any authorizations that may be necessary to use the payment method he has chosen when registering the Order.

The Seller is entitled to collect the full price corresponding to the Order upon confirmation of the Order.

The Seller reserves the right to suspend or cancel any Order and/or delivery, whatever its nature and level of execution, in the event of non-payment of any amount which would be due by the Customer.

Penalties of an amount equal to the legal interest rate increased by five points are automatically applicable to amounts unpaid after a period of ten days following the invoice date.

As part of the fight against Internet fraud, information relating to your Order may be transmitted to any competent authority for verification.

In order to ensure the security of payment by bank card, the Customer must send Adyen the visual cryptogram (CVV) of his bank card.

Adyen handles payments, refunds and chargebacks. Its head office is located at Simon Carmiggeltstraat 6-50, 1011 DJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Payment security on the Site is also ensured by Adyen.

Payments made by the Customer will only be considered final after actual collection of the amounts due by the Seller. The Seller will not be required to deliver the Products ordered by the Customer if the latter does not pay the price in full under the conditions indicated above.


Bank cards: The bank cards accepted on the Site are as follows: Carte Bleue, Visa, Master Card and American Express. These payment cards must be issued by a banking or financial institution located in one of the countries included in the Geographic Perimeter mentioned in Article 4.

Paypal: The Customer can use his PayPal account to pay for his Orders on the Site.

Apple Pay: The Customer can use their Apple Pay account to pay for their Orders on the Site.

9. Delivery – Shipping – Receipt of Orders

The Products will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer on the Order, according to the delivery method chosen.

The Products on the Site are delivered exclusively to countries included in the Geographic Perimeter mentioned in Article 4 of these General Terms and Conditions. They may not be delivered to a country not included in the Geographic Perimeter.

Delivery methods differ depending on the country in which the Order is placed.

For the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic; standard or express delivery.

For the following countries: Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States; express delivery only.


Delivery will be made within an average of 2 to 6 days from receipt of the Order by the Seller, depending on the delivery method chosen and within a maximum of 14 days from receipt of the Order by the Seller.

Delivery times exclude Sundays and public holidays.

As the Seller uses external service providers to deliver Orders, delivery times may be impacted by the service providers without the Seller being responsible for these delivery delays and the consequences that may result.

It is expressly agreed that in the event that the Seller is unable to deliver a Product under the conditions provided for herein due to a failure by one of its suppliers (delay in delivery, non-compliance of the Order in particular), the Customer will be informed by the Seller as soon as possible and by any means. In this event, the Customer will not be debited the amount of the Product concerned, or will be reimbursed within 14 (fourteen) days from notification of this impossibility of delivery to the Customer. The Seller's liability is therefore limited to the amount of the Product ordered by the Customer.


Loss of package during transport

The Carriers used by the Seller are very reliable services. However, as with any shipment, there may be a delay in delivery or the package may go astray. In the event of a delivery delay of more than 7 days, the Customer must inform the Seller's customer service, who will forward the information to the Carrier to initiate an investigation. This investigation may last up to 21 days from the date it is opened. If the package is found during this period, it will be immediately re-routed to the Customer's home (in the majority of cases). If, on the other hand, the package is not found after the 21-day investigation period, the Carrier will consider the package to be lost. In this case, the Seller will send the Customer a replacement package, at its own expense. If the lost product(s) were no longer available at that time, the Seller would reimburse the Customer for the amount of these products.


Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damage, open package, damaged package, broken products, etc.) must be indicated on the delivery note in the form of “handwritten reservations”, accompanied by the Customer's signature. The Customer must report the anomaly as soon as possible to the Seller's Customer Service at the following email address: so that a claim can be made to the Carrier. The Customer must return the Products to the Seller who will send them the replacement product(s), at their expense. If the product(s) are no longer available, the Seller will reimburse the Customer for the amount of these products.

10. Special conditions relating to the reservation of care services at Maison myBlend

Booking of healthcare services

In order to book a treatment service online, the Buyer must choose between the different categories of treatments offered, then select the desired service. The Buyer can then choose the date and time of their choice, depending on availability. Reservations are only available for treatment services carried out at the “La Maison myBlend” point of sale located at 23 Rue Debelleyme in the 3rd Arrondissement in Paris.

Reservation guarantees

The Buyer is invited to provide their bank details in order to book their treatment(s). The bank cards accepted on the online booking site are: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Union Pay, JCB & Diners Club International. The Buyer's bank card is not debited when booking online, it is used to confirm and guarantee the booking. The amount of the booking guarantee is fifty percent (50%) of the price of the treatment(s).


Payment is due on the day the Care Service is provided. Payment will be made directly by the Buyer at the “La Maison myBlend” point of sale.

Conditions for modification / cancellation / delays

The Buyer may modify/cancel their treatment, free of charge, at the latest 24 hours before the scheduled date of the appointment, by clicking on the cancellation link from the booking confirmation email they will have received, or by contacting the “La Maison myBlend” point of sale at the following telephone number: +33 1 88 80 18 76.

In the event that the Buyer cancels his reservation less than 24 hours before the scheduled date of the appointment, or does not show up at the point of sale for his treatment, fifty percent (50%) of the price as shown on the Site on the day of his reservation, the amount of which was entered on your card and corresponding to a deposit, will be debited from the bank card whose data will have been transmitted by the Buyer.

In the event of a delay by the client, the duration of the Care Service may be shortened out of respect for subsequent appointments. The client must arrive approximately 15 minutes before the start of their Care Service.

myBlend reserves the right to cancel or postpone a treatment service, in which case the Buyer will be notified as soon as possible and no amount will be debited.

11. Guarantees

The Products benefit from the legal guarantee of hidden defects in accordance with articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code. The Customer also benefits from the guarantee of conformity in accordance with articles L.217-4 to L.217-14 and L.411-1 of the Consumer Code.

The Customer benefits from a period of two (2) years from the discovery of the defect for the guarantee of hidden defects and two (2) years from the delivery of the goods, for the guarantee of conformity.

In the event of a lack of conformity of the Product, the Customer may return the Product to the Seller and obtain a refund.

Return costs will be reimbursed by the Seller at the Customer's request.

For any complaints, the Customer may contact the Seller at the following address:

Within the framework of the legal guarantee of hidden defects, the Seller, according to the Customer's choice, undertakes, after assessment of the reality of the defect, either:

  • to reimburse him the full price of the Product concerned;
  • to reimburse part of the price of the Product if the Customer decides to keep it.

12. Right of withdrawal

In accordance with Article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code, the Customer is informed that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised on Orders relating in particular to:

  • The supply of goods which have been unsealed after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.
  • The supply of goods liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
  • The supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized.

The Customer therefore has no right of withdrawal for this type of product.

These provisions apply without prejudice to the guarantees provided for in article 11 of these General Terms and Conditions, which remain fully applicable.

To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Customer may send his request by email to by attaching the form referred to in the appendix duly completed. He may also send his request by another signed, dated declaration expressing unambiguously his wish to withdraw.

The Customer who wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal must return the Product(s) delivered no later than fourteen (14) calendar days from sending his withdrawal request, under the conditions of article 11 of these General Terms and Conditions.

In the case of a gift card purchased on the Site, the Customer has a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the confirmation of his Order to exercise his right of withdrawal, provided however that the gift card has not been used in whole or in part before the expiry of this period. Indeed, in this case no right of withdrawal or reimbursement in any form whatsoever is provided.

In accordance with article L.221-19 of the Consumer Code:

  • The day of receipt of the Product is not counted in the period of 14 (fourteen) days.
  • The period begins to run at the beginning of the first hour of the first day and ends at the expiration of the last hour of the last day of the period.
  • If the deadline expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, it is extended until the next working day.
  • After this period, no withdrawal request will be processed by the Seller.

If the Customer exercises his right of withdrawal under the conditions provided for in this article in terms of the time limit and terms of return of the Products, the Seller will reimburse him for the full amount paid, without undue delay and at the latest within 14 (fourteen) clear days from the date on which he is informed of the Customer's decision to withdraw. The reimbursement will be made by any means of payment chosen by the Customer expressed after the exercise of his right of withdrawal.

The refund concerns the entire amount paid for the purchase, including delivery costs. It should be noted that under Article L. 121-21-4 of the Consumer Code, only standard delivery costs will be covered (amounts corresponding to express or special shipments will not be covered).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in accordance with the provisions of Article L.221-24 of the Consumer Code, the Seller may defer reimbursement until recovery of the Product concerned or until the Customer sends proof of shipment of the Product concerned, the date retained being that of the first of these events.
In the event of late reimbursement, the amounts due are automatically increased under the conditions set out in Articles L.242-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code.

13. Conditions for the return of Products

The Customer who exercises his right of withdrawal must inform the Seller of his wish to withdraw in the following manner:

Return the relevant Products using the prepaid return label attached to your Order.
The Products returned by the Customer must meet the following requirements:

  • The Product must be intact, in its original packaging and wrapping, in its original condition, with its accessories and instructions. Any Product that is incomplete, damaged, damaged and/or whose packaging has been damaged will not be taken back, exchanged or refunded.
  • If a box or set needs to be returned, it is imperative that the entire box or set be returned.
  • If the Customer has received, when ordering, Gifts accompanying the Products purchased, the Customer who exercises his right of withdrawal on the entire order must then send all the Product(s) of the Order accompanied by the Gift(s) so that the Seller can take into account his request for withdrawal.
  • Conversely, if the right of withdrawal is only exercised partially, the Customer may keep the Gifts that were included with their initial order.
  • If the Customer has benefited from an offer on the Site against purchase, entitling him, under conditions, to one or more Product(s) offered in return for his Order and, due to the exercise of his right of withdrawal, the latter is no longer eligible for the offer in question; the Customer must then send the Product(s) he wishes to return accompanied by the Product(s) offered received in return for the Order of the Product(s) returned so that MY-BLEND can take into account his request for withdrawal.

To return an item, the Customer will be required to follow the following instructions:


Use the original packaging to return the Product;
Attach the prepaid return label to the package;
Depending on the country of delivery:
→ If the Customer resides in the European Union, the United States, Canada or Mexico: Drop off the package at the nearest carrier's "UPS Access Point" relay point
→ If the Customer resides in a country other than those mentioned above: Appointment required with UPS in order to organize collection of the Product at the address indicated by the Customer.
In order to avoid any dispute, Customers wishing to exercise their right of withdrawal are strongly recommended to return their Products in conditions similar to those of the initial shipment, with a declared value corresponding to the price of the initial order, and to keep all proof of their shipment (package number) until their Order has been fully reimbursed.

Any risk associated with the return of a Product is the responsibility of the Customer.

14. Retention of title

The Seller retains full ownership of the Products sold until full payment of the price, including principal, costs and taxes.

15. Limitation of liability

The Seller shall not be held liable for non-performance of the Contract in the event of a stock shortage, except in the case of a price promotion not intended to clear stocks, or in the event of unavailability of the Product due to a case of force majeure.

The Seller shall not be held liable for the obligations of these General Terms and Conditions in the event that the failure to perform its obligations is attributable to the actions of a third party, even if foreseeable, to the fault of the Customer, or to the occurrence of a force majeure event as defined by the French courts or to any other event which was not reasonably under the exclusive control of the Seller.

The Seller declines all responsibility:

  • for any interruption of the Site.
  • for any occurrence of bugs on the Site.
  • for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party resulting in a modification of the information made available on the Site.
  • and more generally for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, including in particular loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible assets that may occur due to anyone's access to the Site or the inability to access it or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.
  • If the Seller's liability should be established and retained for damage suffered by the Customer and attributable exclusively to the placing of an Order, this is limited to the amount of the Order paid by the Customer to the Seller.

16. Intellectual Property

The Site and all the elements composing it (but not limited to: source code, graphic charter, products, brands, designs, models, photographs, videos, texts, names, illustrations, logos, animated or non-animated sequences, sound or non-sound, graphics, etc.) as well as their compilation are the exclusive property of the Seller. The Seller does not grant any license or authorization or any right to the User and the Customer other than that of consulting the Site. Neither the Site (in whole or in part), nor the elements composing it may be used, reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, made accessible, modified or exploited in any other way, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written authorization of the Seller.

17. Personal data

The information collected is intended for the Seller and its service providers in order to process the Customer's Order and send, unless the Customer and/or User objects, information on the Seller's Products, services and Care Services, carry out customer relationship management (CRM) operations and/or manage the Customer's membership in the loyalty program. The Customer and/or User has the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete data concerning them from the Seller by contacting customer service at

To learn more about the Seller's policy on the protection of personal data, the Customer and/or User is invited to consult the Confidentiality Policy.

18. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions and the sale of Products and Care Services by the Seller are subject to French law.

19. Mediation

In the event of a dispute relating to an Order, the Customer must first contact the Seller, in order to find an amicable solution, by email at

The Customer is informed of the possibility of resorting to consumer mediation for disputes that may arise regarding the sale of Products and Health Care Services by the Seller. Indeed, in the event that no amicable solution can be found, the Customer may appeal to the Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris (CMAP), of which the Seller is a member, within one year following the Customer's last approach to the Seller. For more information, the Customer can visit the Site accessible at the address

Referral to the mediator is only possible if the Customer has already contacted the Seller's Customer Service at the email address given above and has not received a response or satisfaction to his complaint.

In addition, the European Commission offers a one-stop shop for consumers and traders wishing to resolve disputes arising from online transactions out of court. This service is available at the following address:

20. Miscellaneous provisions

If one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are held to be invalid or declared as such pursuant to a law, regulation or following a final decision by a competent court, the other provisions shall retain their full force and scope.


The fact that one of the Parties does not assert against the other Party a breach of any of the obligations referred to in the General Terms and Conditions cannot be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.