myLEDmask Red & Infrared LEDs - Face & Neck - Wireless

Payment in 4 installments with no fees and no minimum purchase.

myLEDmask, the ultimate beauty experience . The cutting-edge beauty-tech tool that works at the heart of the skin to provide a powerful global anti-aging action . This professional-quality technological tool works deep in the dermis. It provides immediately visible and lasting results on firmness , radiance , skin texture , antioxidant effect and skin regeneration .

To be used as a treatment and/or occasionally.

2 year warranty.

myLEDmask is certified and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

  • Skin type: All skin tones, all skin types: 3 programs with pre-recorded durations according to skin phototype (light, medium light, dark).
  • LEDs: 144 Red LEDs in continuous light (630 nm) + 144 Infrared LEDs in pulsed light (850 nm).
  • Voltage: 100 to 240 volts, alternating.
  • Frequency: 50-60HZ.
  • Intensity: 0.35 A.
  • Charging time: 3.5 hours to complete up to 3 sessions depending on your phototype.
  • Beam power: 4joules/cm2.
  • Weight: about 500g.
  • Face area dimensions: 177mm x 235mm x 115mm.
  • Neck area dimensions: 129mm x 90mm x 89mm.

myLEDmask comes in a protective shell with a thermoformed foam interior. The control box and the battery are located in the neck part of the mask. Inside the shell, there is an adjustable fastening strap for your head, the power charger cable, 4 power adapters for all geographical areas as well as the user manual.

For reasons ofregulation, this product is not available for delivery to the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Mexico, Qatar, Singapore.

In 1 month, the skin looks 3 years younger

(1) Clinical study, evaluation carried out on the state of the dermis, 31 women, 3 to 4 applications per week.

The LED mask with proven effectiveness

After 56 days of use, users report:

Wrinkles are 2X less visible.**
The radiance of the complexion is improved by 83%.**
**Self-assessment, 31 women, 3 to 4 uses per week over 56 days
An exclusive technology...
Optimal settings for incomparable results:


Power is the amount of light energy received by the skin and the cells that compose it. 4 joules / cm2 is the optimal power to obtain the best cellular response.


  • 144 Red LEDs in continuous light (630nm) to cover the most superficial area, the Epidermis.
  • 144 Infrared LEDs in pulsed light (850nm) to cover the deepest area of ​​the skin, the Dermis.

The 288 LEDs are distributed in a precise grid pattern to act evenly on the face and neck. The combination of Red and Infrared LEDs targets skin regeneration by stimulating collagen production while acting on cell oxygenation.

...validated by science.

“Knowing how to measure results is an expertise that can be acquired and we have been developing it within the Clarins group for over 70 years.”

Over the past 20 years, numerous scientific publications have attested to the effectiveness of photobiomodulation.
Beyond these publications, it is necessary to carry out specific studies on the devices that use this technology to validate their own effectiveness.

In a process of scientific rigor , myBlend has conducted several clinical studies on the effectiveness of myLEDmask carried out by expert and independent laboratories.

Co-developed by world-renowned experts

By working on the 3 fundamental parameters of photobiomodulation : Power - Duration of exposure and Frequency of use , they ensured to develop the mask with optimal performance.
At each stage of development, they worked to maximize its efficiency : the design; the power; the number of LEDs as well as the use of 2 precise wavelengths (Red and Infrared) used simultaneously.

R&D laboratory

Our own Research & Development laboratory located in Pontoise, France.

an exclusive and inclusive design

A multi-zone mask

All-in-one LED treatment: face, eye contour and neck.

For nomadic use

Use with built-in battery, cordless.

For all skin tones

3 programs with pre-recorded durations according to different skin phototypes:

And all the faces

Iconic design based on the fusion of more than 1000 different facial morphologies. The LED energy is then as close as possible to the skin.

Discover photobiomodulation

Made up of living cells with a vital need to be exposed to light, the body needs this source of energy for its balance and proper functioning.

Studied for over 30 years by science, LED photobiomodulation has proven that it can act as a real "light cream" capable of boosting cellular respiration, repairing and regenerating the skin, but also relaxing the skin.


  • UV-free
  • Non-invasive
  • Not painful
  • Non-thermal
  • No side effects
  • Suitable for all skin types

A technique that allows Red and Infrared LEDs to interact with the different cellular components of the skin:


All the components responsible for skin tone (water, melanin, hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin). Photobiomodulation promotes tissue oxygenation, giving the complexion a rosy glow.

The Fribroblasts

The cells responsible for the production of constituents of the Dermis including collagen and elastin fibers. Photobiomodulation increases their activity which contributes to the proliferation of the fibers.


The energy factories of cells, capable of transforming glucose into energy. Photobiomodulation stimulates mitochondrial activity, promoting skin renewal.

Synergy LED Mask + Revitalizing Cream

The best duo for the regeneration of your skin.

Discover The Revitalizing Cream, the high-performance, ultra-concentrated anti-aging treatment. A tailor-made formula designed to enhance the effects of myLEDmask . Rich in targeted active ingredients , it optimizes cell renewal, improves hydration and strengthens the skin barrier, thus contributing to an overall improvement in skin quality.

The complete routine

Complementary actions for increased anti-aging effectiveness

Seize the exceptional power of light.

Methods of use:


Use myLEDmask every 2 days for 1 month. Repeat the treatment 3 times a year for increased anti-aging action. Be sure to take a 1-month break.


Use myLEDmask for an instant boost of radiance.

a french technology

myLEDmask is designed and assembled 100% in France.

Based in the Nantes region of France - myLEDmask assembler has been a French leader for over 40 years in embedded electronics (advanced aeronautics and automotive) and medical solutions.

With its internal design office, it has all the technical resources necessary to successfully complete all stages of the design and production process for the LED mask.

An unprecedented research work ON

1000 faces


6000 data

clinical results from a unique predictive model

The average age of the dermis is established by correlating the state of the dermal structure with the average age of the subjects studied.

The evolution of the dermis after using myLEDmask allows to determine a rejuvenating effect expressed in "number of years younger".


En 1 mois, la peau paraît 3 ans plus jeune(3).
(3) Étude clinique, évaluation réalisée sur l’état du derme, 31 femmes, 3 à 4 applications par semaine.
Every skin has sufficient potential to regenerate and repair its cells, provided that its neuroimmune system is functioning well. Light has a formidable power of tissue regeneration that is still underexploited.

Frequently asked questions about myledmask

Vous pouvez utiliser myLEDmask 3 ou 4 fois par an sur des cycles de 6 à 8 semaines avec une utilisation de 4 traitements par semaine.

Nous recommandons l'utilisation de myLEDmask à partir de 20 ans avec un bénéfice renforcé entre 30 et 60 ans.

myLEDmask doit être appliqué sur une peau saine et parfaitement nettoyée.

Il est recommandé de retirer les bijoux pour une utilisation en toute sécurité de myLEDmask (collier, piercing nez/arcade sourcilière/autres au niveau du visage, boucles d’oreilles).

myLEDmask doit être nettoyé avec des lingettes désinfectantes après chaque utilisation.

Nous vous recommandons de garder les yeux fermés et d’ajuster les protections afin d’éviter toute forme d’éblouissement.

Le principe de la lumière LED est d’émettre uniquement les longueurs d’onde qui ont un effet bénéfique et dans le cas de myLEDmask, il s’agit du rouge et de l’infrarouge proche du rouge.

Il est conseillé de respecter les informations notées sur la notice d’utilisation garantissant la longévité de votre masque LED. Veillez à respecter les temps d’utilisation en fonction de votre phototype et laisser reposer le masque 30 minutes entre chaque utilisation lors de sessions de soins réalisées sur différentes personnes.

Dans le masque il y a de la lumière rouge et IR seulement, rien d’autre. Le spectre du soleil est plus large. Au contraire, le masque peut traiter les coups de soleil.

Nous déconseillons l'utilisation de myLEDmask auprès des enfants & femmes enceintes ; en cas de prise de produits photo sensibilisants : la prise de rétinoïdes, ou autres médicaments photo sensibilisants, est une contre-indication à tout traitement photo thérapeutique (liste des produits photo sensibilisants en fin de cahier de protocole de traitements). À cela, peuvent venir s’ajouter des parfums, des huiles essentielles, etc. En cas de doute, nous vous invitons à consulter un dermatologue ou un spécialiste.
Nous déconseillons également son utilisation en cas de prise de traitement anti-inflammatoire : réduit à néant les bienfaits de la thérapie LED.
Enfin, pour les personnes souffrantes d'un cancer, son utilisation est à l’appréciation des spécialistes médicaux.

Vous avez à votre disposition sur notre site myBlend sur la page de myLEDmask une vidéo vous montrant comment utiliser le masque LED myBlend. Vous pouvez également nous contacter sur notre site ou via nos réseaux sociaux si vous avez besoin d’informations complémentaires.

L’utilisation de photothérapie sur les personnes concernées est à l’appréciation des spécialistes médicaux. Il est normalement recommandé de patienter une semaine.

Nous vous le déconseillons car une irradiance trop forte entrainerait un effet contraire à celui escompté à cause de la chaleur dégagée et de l’effet inhibiteur de la lumière à forte dose. Il faut respecter le temps et le programme recommandé.

Il est recommandé d’attendre 1 semaine avant de démarrer son traitement masque LED.

Le masque LED s ’applique sur la peau nettoyée sans produit cosmétique. L’effet actif des LED rouges et Infrarouges stimule la peau et peut donner une sensation normale de tiraillement. Il est recommandé d’appliquer après sa séance ses produits adaptés qui permettent de corriger rapidement ce ressenti.

Le masque LED prend appui sur certaines zones du visage (pommettes, front) ce qui peut provoquer des petites rougeurs de contact. Ces rougeurs sont dues à la chaleur diffusée par les infrarouges et disparaissent quelques minutes après la séance.

myLEDmask permet une utilisation garantissant 50 000 heures de durée de vie des LEDs, il est garanti 2 ans.