Epigenetics and skin aging: When the environment shapes our appearance

Only 15% of our (hereditary) genes program our functioning and aging. The remaining 85% are modulated by our behaviors and our exposure to internal and external stresses. At myBlend, a pioneering brand in epigenetics, we rely on our own ability to modulate the functioning of our cells.

"Only 20% of our (hereditary) genes program our functioning and aging. The remaining 80% are modulated by our behaviors and our exposure to internal and external stresses. Therefore, I focus less on age than on lifestyles and their effects on the skin. At myBlend, a pioneering brand in epigenetics, we rely on our own ability to modulate the functioning of our cells."

Dr. Olivier Courtin.

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics : This is the science that studies the influence of the environment on the expression of our genes . Our lifestyle and our environment influence the functioning and renewal of our cells. Indeed, the functioning of our cells is guided by the expression of our genes. Epigenetic modifications are therefore linked to a change in the expression of our genes caused by these environmental stress factors that activate or deactivate them. They impact 80% of the aging of our skin .

In other words, the expression of our genes, which orchestrates cell renewal for example, can be modified without altering the genetic code itself, through epigenetic mechanisms . These modifications, induced by environmental factors, have the power to activate or deactivate certain genes, thus playing a preponderant role in the regeneration of the skin and its aging .

To go a little further:

These changes in the expression of our genes occur through different mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, which involves adding or removing methyl groups (CH3) to DNA, or modifications to histones, which are proteins around which DNA wraps in the cell nucleus.

What factors impact epigenetics?

All environmental stresses: exposure to UV rays, pollution, stress, diet, smoking, blue light, pace of life, illnesses, mental load, and external influences – we are all exposed.

Research into epigenetics has identified environmental factors that generate a form of stress, such as :

  • exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays,
  • air pollution ,
  • stressful situations: high mental load, illnesses, pace of life
  • eating habits,
  • tobacco

These environmental factors deeply mark our DNA without altering the genetic sequence itself.

These environmental factors They are the cause of oxidative stress , the main source of skin aging. Oxidative stress is a condition caused by excessive production of free radicals exceeding the natural defense capabilities of cells, thus causing excessive cellular oxidation, damaging cells and tissues and therefore our skin.

What are the impacts?

These influences Epigenetic influences, resulting from the interaction between our environment and our genes, play a key role in regulating essential skin functions. They can, for example, modify the expression of genes involved in processes as important as collagen production, skin elasticity, pigmentation and the repair of UV-related damage. For example, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause specific epigenetic changes that accelerate non-hereditary skin aging.

In the skin, these changes cause the slowdown of key cells of skin youth (keratinocytes and fibroblasts) - initially invisible:

· Inflamm'aging : a silent chronic inflammation that alters the constituent components of the skin.

· Imbalance of the skin microbiota, essential for the health and integrity of the skin

· Slowing down cell renewal, vital for maintaining the skin's radiance and youthfulness.

Consequences? The structural elements of the skin such as collagen , elastin , or even hyaluronic acid – key molecules in the structure of the skin – gradually disappear.

And the damage then becomes visible with:

· Wrinkles & fine lines

· Dull complexion and lack of radiance

· Pores and uneven skin texture, a sign of alteration of the skin surface

· Loss of skin elasticity

· Tasks

· Loss of firmness and density

· Dehydration

How to combat these factors?

Since it is not a modification of the DNA sequence, but a modification of gene expression : these modifications – responsible for 80% of skin aging – are reversible . Thus we can fight against the effects of epigenetics.

Understanding how these environmental factors impact skin epigenetics may pave the way for new prevention strategies. Research has identified specific epigenetic markers associated with skin aging , allowing for the development of tailored responses to maintain skin health and youthfulness.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle : a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, limit harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco, chemicals, etc.), avoid stress, get quality sleep. It's an ideal.

These are general wellness measures that help maintain good overall health and reduce the risk of disease by influencing epigenetics in a positive way.

At its level, myBlend acts to support today's women and men in taking care of their skin to keep it healthy, and strengthen it against all these aggressions through a global and lifestyle ecosystem, which offers a new vision of beauty:

- food supplements to supplement the diet and nourish the body from the inside, with active ingredients recognized for their antioxidant power .

- highly concentrated care to awaken the skin's vital forces and increase the expression of genes associated with tissue regeneration , thanks to expert molecules developed specifically to meet all the skin's needs and make it stronger against its environment.

- technology to go beyond cosmetics, act in depth and stimulate natural regeneration mechanisms. Ex: the use of the benefits of red and infrared light with a LED mask .

Thus, epigenetics is at the heart of the myBlend philosophy and vision. Be an actor today in your beauty of tomorrow and challenge the future of your skin.